Install UV on the system
curl -LsSf <> | sh
Initialize a Project
# takes the directory name as project
uv init
# or name your project and open the project directory
uv init myproject && cd myproject
# Note: Commands initializes **.git/** directory ****and **pyproject.toml** file
Add a Project Template to the project
# Optionally after the 'uv init', you can copy the project structure template
bash <(curl -s <>)
Create a virtual environment with the name .venv
# Default name: .venv
uv venv
# You can also name it # UNRECOMMENDED
uv venv .venv2 # you need to run: export UV_PROJECT_ENVIRONMENT=.venv2
# 1. install other python with:
uv python install 3.12.3
# 2. You can also pin the version to a file in project root.
uv python pin 3.12.3 # Default is higher that satisfies pyproject.toml
# 3. Create the .venv with that version
uv venv --python 3.12.3
Activate the virtual environment
source .venv/bin/activate
Add dependency package
uv add pandas
# adds to development requirements
uv add --dev pytest jupyter
uv add --group dev pytest jupyter
Install a package from extra index url
# Example: Add torch cpu version
uv add torch --index <> --index-strategy unsafe-best-match
Remove dependencies
uv remove loguru
uv remove --dev jupyter
Sync with requirements (Install dependencies)
# sync the changes in pyproject.toml (for ex. after changing python version)
uv sync
uv sync --dev
# Or sync to virtual environment using pip install
uv pip install -r pyproject.toml
# If there is a non-pypi-package
uv pip install -r pyproject.toml --index-strategy unsafe-best-match
# If there is a conflict [Use --no-deps flag]
uv pip install -r pyproject.toml --index-strategy unsafe-best-match **--no-deps**
List installed packages
uv pip list
# View dependencies
uv tree